This Saturday, September 24, from 4 pm to 7 pm, come out to the basketball courts at Valley Forge Christian College for the first "Give Back to the Community Day".
If you'd like to attend, please do so as it's a free event. If you'd like to bring something to share with the community as part of your giveback, all products and services are welcome. For more information, please call Mike Ellis at 610-917-0587.
When Phoenixville community activist Mike Ellis recently noticed that Phoenixville has never had a "Give Back to the Community Day", it set off a chain of events that will culminate in this weekend's Giveback event that has a focus on the kids.
Ellis and professional basketball player Tai Crutchfield will be at the courts to give a free basketball clinic to those 11 and older. Ellis and Crutchfield worked with Dolly Winston this summer as coaches for the Phoenixville Area Positive Alternatives league. A bond was formed and plans to continue teaching the local youth move forward with this event.
Ellis feels Phoenixville can become a major basketball training ground for kids with events like this. "We have the talented teachers and coaches. I'm arranging sponsorships to make these programs available for free to the kids. It's a win for everybody."
Ellis admits this event was planned quickly. "Tai has a busy travel schedule in October so we put this together really fast. If we get a big turnout, maybe we can have another event."
If you'd like to attend, please do so as it's a free event. If you'd like to bring something to share with the community as part of your giveback, all products and services are welcome. For more information, please call Mike Ellis at 610-917-0587.