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Showing posts from January, 2018

HSPA Winter Flea Market

The Historical Society of the Phoenixville Area will be hosting their Winter Flea Market on Saturday, January 27th. The annual fundraiser will be held from 8am-1pm and all proceeds go to the Society to help them continue perserving Phoenixville's history and culture. The flea market features lots of vintage, antiques and useful items! The flea market will be held at the HSPA building, 204 Church St. For more information, visit their event page on Facebook .

Art Exhibit at Phoenix Village

Richard Carlton London , a Chester County photographic artist is exhibiting his works at Phoenix Village in downtown Phoenixville for the first quarter of 2018. The exhibit of modern photography is titled “Window Reflections”. Ever walked down the street and observe for a brief moment an amazing reflection in the window of a building here in Phoenixville? Of course you have. We all do! Richard Carlton London captures that moment in his unusual photographic moments of reflection. He observes, studies and deconstruct the moment most of us see in a brief glance in our hurried days. London calls his work “pedestrian” because he takes photographs from a pedestrian’s point of view. However the results are unique, colorful, often abstract and above all contemporary. “They are intended for interior spaces where color and conversation are sought. I price it affordably and prefer to print on metal - art should be temporary and recyclable.” The Window Reflections exhibit at Phoenix Village b...