In time for the Jewish High Holidays -- Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Congregation B'nai Jacob is hosting two events that are open to the public. Both will be held on Sunday, September 25.
9-10:30 AM: Parent/Child class on Rosh Hashanah. Join us for music, stories and a craft designed for preschoolers and their parents. $10 for non-members, $7 for members
10 AM - 12 PM: Who doesn't need a good laugh these days? Join us as "The Laughing Maggidah (storyteller)" Irene Chaya Doniger presents stories, psalms, and jokes to get us in the mood for a happy and healthy new year. All are welcome, free.
Congregation B'nai Jacob, Starr and Manavon Streets, 610-933-5550,
9-10:30 AM: Parent/Child class on Rosh Hashanah. Join us for music, stories and a craft designed for preschoolers and their parents. $10 for non-members, $7 for members
10 AM - 12 PM: Who doesn't need a good laugh these days? Join us as "The Laughing Maggidah (storyteller)" Irene Chaya Doniger presents stories, psalms, and jokes to get us in the mood for a happy and healthy new year. All are welcome, free.
Congregation B'nai Jacob, Starr and Manavon Streets, 610-933-5550,