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Showing posts from June, 2007

Kiwanis Duck Race planned for July 14th

The 12th Annual Kiwanis Duck Race is planned for Saturday, July 14th at 3pm. The race helps the Kiwanis raise money for a number local non-profit groups and with a first place prize of $1000 isn't a bad way to spend the $5 it takes to buy a duck. For more information, see the article in The Phoenix .

Gay St. Bridge project delayed

Over the weekend, as I drove over the Gay St. bridge heading into town, it dawned on me that construction on it was originally set to begin in August but that I had not heard anything about it in quite some time. I had even spent some time looking around for updates on the PennDOT website but could not find anything. So it was a pleasant surprise to find an article on The Phoenix website this morning. It appears that the project has been delayed several months with the project now slated to begin sometime in November. From the Phoenix --- In a letter to Borough manager Anthony DiGirolomo dated June 14 and released Monday, PennDOT assistant district executive Charles H. Davies said, "At an earlier date, the Borough was notified that the Department [PennDOT] would like to provide funding equivalent to a the amount of a two-year lease on a fire truck….in order to address fire protection issues associated with the closure of the Gay Street Bridge. Advertisement "At this ti...

Steel City Coffee House to host annual Open House

The Steel City Coffee House will be hosting their annual Open House on Friday, July 6th (which also happens to be the date of July's First Friday festivities). From the Steel City website: --- FREE CONCERT starting at 8:00 PM; prize raffles; door prizes, and free gift bags to the first 100 people through the door at 6:30 PM. We will be closing at 5:00 PM to decorate and prepare for this event. --- Click here for more information, including a list of performers and details on the door prizes.

Summer Music Festival in Reeves Park

A little late on this one (it started last Sunday) but if you are looking for something fun to do on Sunday nights look no further than Reeves Park. Every other Sunday night through mid-August will feature live music at the park. Concerts start at 7pm and are free to the public. This year's Summer Music Festival is being sponsored by Phoenixville Federal Bank which has setup a website with additional information including the complete schedule. Editor's note: The information above has been updated as of 6/27/07. The original post was using outdated information. My apologies.

Kimberton Community Fair scheduled for July 23rd-28th

The 78th Kimberton Community Fair is scheduled for the week of July 23rd-28th. From their website --- We are proud to be celebrating our 78th year of bringing food, fun, and entertainment to the community. The Kimberton Community Fair is a traditional event that offers family entertainment and educational exhibits and programs. Over 40,000 people visit our Fair every July! The Fair is one of the last "FREE ADMISSION" fairs operating in the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs. We are a non-profit event whose purpose is to support the volunteer Kimberton Fire Company. The Fair is completely staffed by volunteers from the local community, Fire Company and Auxiliary. Generations of dedicated workers have continued this volunteerism by operating fundraising areas such as games, raffles and donuts. Kimberton Fair is a family oriented event where folks can share fun times and create lasting memories... a child's first merry-go-round ride... seeing old friends.....

Additional Info on the Phoenixville Education Campus released

Neumann College , which, along with the Phoenixville Education Campus at Franklin Commons , is set to open its doors in September, has announced plans for its initial educational offerings. The first is a master's of science in education. --- The program can be completed in two years of part-time study. It is designed, he said, "for classroom teachers, or those who would like to become teachers, to earn the M.S. with certification in any of four areas: early childhood, elementary, secondary, or special education." --- The second program is a certificate program in intelligence studies. --- About options for programs in business, Bell said that Neumann officials would be talking with their colleagues among the participating colleges about possible collaborative programs. But Neumann has already planned at least one other offering, a certificate program in intelligence studies. "This has been an offshoot of our criminal justice program here," said Bell. This one...

Columbia Bar & Grille Hosting 1st Annual Summer Solstice Celebration

On June 21st, The Columbia Bar & Grille will be hosting their first annual Summer Solstice party. Live music will be performed by the Royal Palm Steel Drum Band and food and beverages will be available for purchase. The event will be held in the parking lot next to the Columbia and will begin at 5:30pm. Sounds like a fun way to usher in the first day of summer and congrats to the Columbia on five great years!

Schuylkill Canal Association's 'Canal Day' scheduled for June 23rd and 24th

Reader David Strunk sent this in with regards to next weekends annual Schuylkill Canal Association Canal Day. This years celebration will help to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the SCA and sounds like it will be a great time. --- Once again The Schuylkill Canal Association is hosting its annual Canal Day celebration. This year is our 25th anniversary and we're hoping that it will be our biggest year ever. Nightime on the Canal & Canal Day are being held next weekend (6/23 & 6/24) on the Schuylkill Canal just over the bridge in Mont Clare. We have a boat parade & pig roast on Saturday with music being provided by The New Kings of Rhythm. On Sunday we have the Trail Run & Walk, Canoe/Kayak race, Highland Games, Canal Joust (always a favorite), kids events/games, food, etc...tons of fun for everyone!! If anyone is interested in receiving a registration form for either the Trail Run, Canoe/Kayak race, or Boat Parade then contact The Schuylkill Canal Associati...

BlobFest gets a mention in the Old Gray Lady

The New York Times this weekend had an article about this year's BlobFest. It also has a fair amount of history about the movie, some of which I had never seen before. If you are interested in attending this year's festivities (estimated to pull in over 5000 people) or are just interested in learning a little more about the movie, you can read the article here .

Note on articles credited to The Phoenix

Just a quick note about articles below in which I have quoted The Phoenix. It appears that they have redone their site which, at least temporarily, has made their older articles inaccessible. With any luck the articles will be re-added with the same URL so that you will once again be able to view the complete articles by clicking on the links provided.