Councilman Senley's blog has an update on the Gay Street Bridge project . Highlights of the press release include: --- The Gay Street/Route 113 Bridge in Phoenixville Borough, Chester County, is scheduled to close Wednesday (April 2) for the construction of a new bridge over French Creek, several local streets, railroad tracks and the former Phoenix Steel site, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) said today. The new bridge is scheduled to open in early 2010. ... Construction crews will build the new bridge on the same alignment as the existing structure. The new bridge will have two 12-foot wide travel lanes; two six-foot wide shoulders; two six-foot wide sidewalks; and ornamental street lights. ... Motorists driving cars and other conventional passenger vehicles will follow Bridge Street, Route 29, Black Rock Road, Trappe Road (Route 113) and Black Rock Road (Route 113) to move from downtown Phoenixville to the north side of the borough. They will follow the ...
What's happening in and around Phoenixville, PA.