Award-winning and Oscar-nominated documentary film “Gasland” and filmmaker Josh Fox comes to Franklin Commons September 7th at 6:00 pm. Exploring the urgent issue of the dangers of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”), the event will feature discussion between Fox, state legislators, and the public, as well as a screening of the film. Fracking is a means of natural gas extraction that involves millions of gallons of water, sand, and undisclosed chemicals being injected under high pressure into the ground. 80-100 tons of chemicals are used per frack and scientists have identified known carcinogens, such as Benzene, among these substances. The evening begins at 6:00 pm with an hour of dinner and drinks (BYOB). Seating is limited and tickets may be ordered now via email to . Your $35 donation purchases a ticket for the entire evening's events. Starting at 7:00 pm, Fox and state legislators will be invited to take part in a panel discussion, followed by a Q&A...
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