On Sunday, October 17th, Phoenixville Area High School student Stephen Kenyon will be performing a concert at St. John's Lutheran Church, 355 St. John's Circle, Phoenixville, PA. The concert will benefit Phoenixville Area Community Services.
Stephen Kenyon, a student at Phoenixville Area High School, is a gifted pianist. As his Senior Project, Stephen will offer a concert to benefit PACS. He will be joined by a few of his talented friends.
The concert will be held at 4 pm on Sunday, October 17 at St. John's Lutheran Church in Phoenixville. You are also invited to a reception immediately following the event.
There are no tickets - just a free will offering that will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. All proceeds benefit PACS. Non-perishable food items for the emergency pantry will also be collected at the door.