Barry Cassidy posted on his Facebook page today that he will be ending his tenure as Main Street manager on Friday, September 3rd.
due to lack of funding i will end my tenure in the 'ville on september 3rd (first friday). i have enjoyed my time here but if they can not pay me i can not stay. no money no me. pretty plain and simple. cuts in funding to the cdc from a number of sources have made it difficult for me to pay the bills. I want to thank everyone for their well wishes.
Perhaps if he had focused on vacancies and solving the parking nightmare instead of trying to be a music promoter her could have justified his existence or even made his position pay for itself– that's what good employees do.
I predict this town will finally blossom, fall 2010.
I hope the next person is one heck of a lot less egotistic than Barry.
Phoenixville will prosper with proper management with or without Barry.
Good bye Barry.
"That area was a dump before he came. All of you ignorant townies will think back fondly on this time when the Bridge Street was vibrant and happening. I just hope this is resolved and he can get back to work."