Acupuncture for all! Like other types of medicine, acupuncture is not a one time, magic cure all. Acupuncture works best in a series of treatments, as the body needs a little help maintaining balance. Private acupuncture sessions are relatively expensive and this cost prohibits many of us from experiencing the healing powers of this kind of treatment.
At Phoenixville Community Acupuncture, we offer acupuncture treatments in a serene, quiet group setting. This group setting lends itself to community acupuncture's affordability, which gives our patients an opportunity to come as often as they wish.
Our fee is based on a sliding-scale ranging from $15-$40, with an additional one-time paperwork processing charge of $10 for the first visit. You decide what you can afford within that range.
We hold Community acupuncture on Wednesdays (starting April 6th) from 5:00-6:45pm. Joining us anytime between 5:00 and 6:25 will give you plenty of time to enjoy your session. The earlier you come the more time you get! As we grow so will our tell your friends!
When? Wednesdays 5:00-6:45 pm ***(please arrive no later than 6:20 pm)
Where? The Soul Center - 550 Kimberton Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Why? To feel better!
Who? Open to all!
How Much? Sliding scale $15-$40. Pay what you can. (additional $10 @ 1st visit)
Drop-in, Reserve Online at or call (610) 203-3747
Do the following and we will waive the initial $10 paperwork processing fee for you AND a friend as a THANK YOU for helping us spread the word:
At Phoenixville Community Acupuncture, we offer acupuncture treatments in a serene, quiet group setting. This group setting lends itself to community acupuncture's affordability, which gives our patients an opportunity to come as often as they wish.
Our fee is based on a sliding-scale ranging from $15-$40, with an additional one-time paperwork processing charge of $10 for the first visit. You decide what you can afford within that range.
We hold Community acupuncture on Wednesdays (starting April 6th) from 5:00-6:45pm. Joining us anytime between 5:00 and 6:25 will give you plenty of time to enjoy your session. The earlier you come the more time you get! As we grow so will our tell your friends!
When? Wednesdays 5:00-6:45 pm ***(please arrive no later than 6:20 pm)
Where? The Soul Center - 550 Kimberton Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Why? To feel better!
Who? Open to all!
How Much? Sliding scale $15-$40. Pay what you can. (additional $10 @ 1st visit)
Drop-in, Reserve Online at or call (610) 203-3747
Do the following and we will waive the initial $10 paperwork processing fee for you AND a friend as a THANK YOU for helping us spread the word:
- Join our Mailing list at AND
- Bring a friend or family member with you to a Community Acupuncture Session on April 6 or April 13th.