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Barry Cassidy Addresses Downtown Rumors

Today's Phoenix ran an article written by Barry Cassidy in which he addressed the various rumors that have been circulating regarding the immediate futures of several local businesses. He paints a much rosier picture than some of the comments here would have you believe. From the article:

On Monday someone came in and told me Molly Maguire's was closing. I knew that was not correct because they are expanding, not closing. Then about 20 minutes after than I heard from someone else that 101 was closing and the building was going to become a McDonalds. I knew that was not correct either.

Marietu' Fanny from the crepe joint at Bridge and Gay called me and was upset that she heard someone at the business association meeting say she was closing... She went on to tell me that they were doing well...

Then I heard probably the most outrageous rumor of all... Ellie's Choice is closing. Now think about this one, folks. Here, Ellie has been here for a long time, she was here in the day when we were fighting for control of the street. She was here when no one came here and she still made it. Business during the recession is still more than it was back then.
Friday, Ellie called me and ask that I come over. She told me that Michelle from Irish Joe's called her and said someone heard she was closing. Anyone who has been to Irish Joe's knows they do a good business and under no stretch of the imagination is she closing. It is so mind-boggling.
What can you do? What can you do with lies that are passed down the line? One thing you can do is to make a special effort to shop downtown. Come downtown and get the bargains made available by the economic downturn.
This is a period of deflation and things are not worth as much as they were at one time. Prices go down, home values diminish and times are hard. Times may be hard but these folks mentioned above are not going out of business and deserve your business as they continue to exist. So come on down!

Click here to read the full article.


Anonymous said…
If I owned a business in town, whether I was doing great or poorly, I sure wouldn't tell Barry Cassidy how my business ran so he can run to the papers with it. It's none of his business. Take this with a grain of salt. Only the owners and their accountants know how their businesses are fairing.
Anonymous said…
You serious Clark?
Anonymous said…
Its hard to believe any business owner with a brain would involve Barry Cassidy with any insight to their operations. And if anyone is doing poorly it would be Barry to put a spin on things. I am sure he wants to justify his over-inflated salary. (grants or bourough its still tax payer money) Its time for Phoenixville to move forward through this economic situation, he is not our man.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
The BC bashing is old and boring. I don't care one way or the other for Barry, but it seems some people have a fixation with the guy. My lord, get over your "bro"mance already. The lack of intelligence it displays is more noticeable then a zit on the tip of your nose. Smarten up!
Anonymous said…
I wonder which comment above Barry left, haha
Anonymous said…
Another Barry lover posting again huh.

Please join:

Have fun folks!
Anonymous said…
The lack of foot traffic has been an ongoing issue, businesses in the downtown district have had to shape their hours according to the greatest volume. The steel site is still undeveloped and the density for the work, play model has still not reached its critical mass. If Manny Demutis ever receives final approval for his barto project, this should at least address a lack of density and foot traffic-more mixed use development is needed before other businesses will consider Phoenixville. This has little to do with Barry Cassidy's salary or managerial style.
Anonymous said…
Who's the genius that approved buying a old ferris wheel? talk about a waste of money
Anonymous said…
That was funded by private donations

Next..... genius!
Anonymous said…
Like it or not, the ferris wheel will be a true distinction of the downtown district. Three generations of my family worked at both the Phoenix Bridge Company and Phoenix Steel and the fact that they have decided (thru private donations mind you) to bring a piece of history back to this town is a great thing and something that we all shouldbe proud of.
Anonymous said…
Oh, don't tell these genius' that it was funded by private donations. They act like someone came to them and took a chunk of their paycheck, or their Ford F350 pickup truck. And then you'll get the argument that it will be private monies that maintain the ferris wheel. IT WILL BE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY (ie Foundry Building) as an art installation. What english class didn't people attend that they don't understand this concept. Enough with the ferris wheel already. You didn't pay for it. You won't pay for it. And by the way, its NOT gonna be a working ferris wheel. Its an art installation as a tribute to our past history. Or is that something we forgot in our present preoccupations of importance. Stop living so myopically and think of the generations that it will serve as a visual learning tool of Phoenixville's history, not to mention a beautiful piece of architectural beauty.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know how many council meetings Jeff Senley has missed in his short time on council. Mr Wagner seemed to be annoyed an him for missing so many meetings WITHOUT any prior explanation or warning. Seems to me like we should be focusing our energy on council people not up to the job.

Anonymous said…
Jeez, some people here are getting a little bent out of shape over some comments. Taking things a little too personally....
Anonymous said…
People are getting too bent out of shape but I agree that the anti-ferris wheel arguments are old and those people never seem to have the correct information.

@ Councilman Senley: He has missed a lot of meetings. He missed 2 in a row prior to being late for the most recent one. And prior to the new year he had missed a bunch of meetings. I've heard several councilmen complaining about his attendance record. Maybe one time he'll respond on his blog to his abysmal attendance record.
Anonymous said…
Poor Jeff is sick all the time. "Mommy write a "please excuse Jeffrey" sick note?"
Anonymous said…
Here's a better idea.

Stop worrying about ferris wheels, blue traffic lights/posts and whether PJ ryans is closing and focus on updating the intersections to hold up to the growing traffic patterns.

Either the intersections look like a maze or they are only one lane with no turning arrow forcing traffic to back up for miles.

Its not 1950 with only a couple pickup trucks in town.
Anonymous said…
I noticed that also, when Councilman Wagner asked Senley why he has been absent. Of course the answer was "work related". But it didn't excuse all of the other times he's missed meetings. Maybe he should stop gaming on his computer so much.
Anonymous said…
Jeff has missed a lot of meetings, I don't know what's going on but something needs to be addressed.
Anonymous said…
Is Majolica closing?
Anonymous said…
The traffic is backed up because of that stupid intersection by Produce Junction in Mont Clare. Then you have the people who still insist on turning into Produce Junction (coming from Collegeville direction) when the signs clearly state you can't do this.
Anonymous said…
That Produce Junction intersection is annoying. And the people still insist on turning left on no left turn. Our traffic issues in town (other than Produce Junct) stem from 422. That is the root cause of our problems.

Regarding Coucilman Senley, he is a fine young man but he has missed too many meetings. I am disappointed in his attitude and record.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
So I was in town on Saturday night and it was an explosion of people. I don't understand all the talk about the town closing. That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You people need to go to other towns and see how busy Phoenixiville is compared to other towns. Its quite dramatic. I also read that a few businesses closed (which is normal in any economy) but I also noticed lots of new businesses and some new businesses doing actual construction on spaces to make room for their business.

Folks, I am in the the construction development trade and let me tell you that no businesses dump hundreds of thousands of dollars into construction for a town that is "in trouble or closing". The truth is always one step ahead of what you actually see on the street. Stores closing is what you may see, but newer and better businesses moving in is the current that's rolling underneath the street. Every town has its progression of businesses from early beginnings to the opening of "mom & pop" stores, to restaurants and bars, and then to more gentrified businesses (which is the stage Phoenixville is in now). Enjoy the ride people, because it is not everyday that towns pick themselves up and continue to get better. Your town is a true gem. Learn to enjoy it!
Anonymous said…
Mr Constructor, Sir : Its not everyone that doesn't appreciate the downtown. It's just the simple people. Unfortunately the blogs are full of simple ones.

Anonymous said…
This is how rumors start, from disgruntled ex Phoenixvillians that want to see the town fail. Direct from Charmingly Linda's:

michaelj wrote on Mar 8, 2009 4:06 PM:
" I was also wondering about the liability of a town employee giving out liquor to the public during a town sponsored event.

Anyway....I could have predicted the closing of businesses in the downtown. Thats why we left. No customers. March is our 2 year anniv. since moving our business out of the downtown. Best move we ever made. Heck, we are paying less rent on the main line and we have more customers. Customers with JOBS! All Barry could do when we left was bad mouth us. What a lovely town leader! Barry wont leave Phoenixville, He is the king there. King of loser town! What a claim! And his blog just proves his unprofessionalism!

I dont think the rumor was Elle was closing. I think it was Ellie SHOULD be closing. Just got mixed up in whisper down the lane. Its nice for a junk shop with outdated merchandise! I always feel good knowing she is in her sidewalk chair, talking on the phone, puffing away.

Phoenixville is just a drinking town. Barry knows it, hence his bar expansion plan. A bar on every corner, and then some.

Yes, the town is great for arts and beer. Yes, we will wait and see first fridays are crowded. People will flock for free music and beer. But day time retail is just not there. At all. So if you like having a business that does well with drunks, 1 friday per month, then Phoenixville is the place for you!

Happy to be out of Pville, Michael Weinstein @ Charmingly Lindas Quality Consignments. "
Anonymous said…
if the public has any interest
in your product you would have
done well. I know personally
I have made a bank here.You
really have a piss poor attitude
Anonymous said…
Anonymous: Please email these contact these people at Charmingly Linda's (as i have) and voice your displeasure in how they handle their PR. It is a disgrace.
Anonymous said…
How could a business that's been around for nearly thirty years fail? That's absurd!

Once you hit twenty years hey don't let you fail and people are forced to shop there right?
Anonymous said…
Charmingly Linda's Failed. Thats the ironic part. I emailed them about that comment and i received an equally arrogant response. I can only assume that Charmingly Linda's isn't doing well in their current location and has too much time to blog about businesses in our town. Everyone needs to email them and let them know that they can not talk to Phoenixville residents as they did.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone tell the idiot (Mike) that two more good shops are opening in Phoenixville (The Bike Barn and the Bead Place). I'll take that trade anyday, let me see do I want Charmingly Linda's (dump) or some of the newer stores we have downtown? Have fun in Exton Mike and Linda.
Anonymous said…
Charmingly Linda's??? Are you kidding me? That place was a laugh. Besides that we have a bigger and better Charmingly Lindas right next to Giant - Yes, the Good Will Fashions.
Anonymous said…
You want a bead store? How many beads are you going to buy? I like how the building is looking with the big windows, but beads? Come on. Is there a market for beads? Any demand? Beads?!
Anonymous said…
I thought it was a 'bread' store... I have to slow down.

I was psyched for something like Panera... beads?!
Anonymous said…
Yes, beads!

Like I said, nice looking store. And I hope it does well. But in this 'bar town', I'm not sure a bead store is a good fit. Not to be doom and gloom (I know that 'son' guy who uses tons of exclamation points will yell at me), but I'm just saying ... beads!!!!
Anonymous said…
That was pretty funny, I'm the "son" guy, but I'm not gonna yell at this one. Wondering if a business is gonna do well is natural. I used to say "how the heck can a kilt shop stay in business? I mean, who the heck is buying kilts? But they have a great business down there at the kilt shop (lots of internet business) and they outfitted the Madonna tour and the Drop Kick Murphy's (band). There's a bead place in West Chester that does well, so who the heck knows. I probably won't buy beads, but obviously they think someone will. Lets hope they did their homework.

The "bread" misunderstanding is funny, because everyone thinks its a bread place. Maybe its wishful thinking. Maybe they should give away bread on their first day as a joke.
Anonymous said…
FWIW, there is a Panera over in Wayne by the Outback and Five Guys and Trader Joe's. Not that far of a drive. And there's one in Trooper by the Giant.
Anonymous said…
Beads?! I too thought it was BREAD! In fact, just yesterday I told my husband about the new bread company (like Atlanta Bread, Panera, etc.) opening downtown. I was so ready to get a bread bowl full of soup!

Glad I'm not the only one...I guess I should slow down, too. :-)
Anonymous said…
Charmingly Linda's is a dump. And rumors had it that the owner was a cross dresser, so he has no room to talk. The other store owners in Exton Hate their shop. They call it a "turd in a punch bowl".
smartblondemom said…
Hand crafted jewelry is big business and I think that there actually will be a demand for quality beads.
Anonymous said…
They also have classes on making jewelery at their other locations. I think that will go over well here.
Anonymous said…
Well the bead store might surprise some people in that there are more and more people tiring the 'do it yourself' craft thing to make some extra cash. In fact in Phoenixville alone I do know a ton of people that are already doing this...and making some $$

Although I must say this is geared towards the ladies.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
JW said…
Majolica press release is to be released on the 14th at which point I will restore the user's comment.
Pete Schwetty said…
Yeah the downtown is really "closing". I noticed how slow beer week was in Pville (obviously joking). Folks, there is one Beer Week in Philadelphia that is a huge successful marketing campaign to promote Philly. This is the first year they've spread into the suburbs and what suburban town did they pick? Yes, Phoenixville. That should tell you everything you need to know. Pville is not closing, and is only getting better, bigger and gaining more momentum. The train moves on, and you're welcome to get off at the next stop if the progression isn't your cup of tea.
Anonymous said…
Drove by the bead place this week, looks like they are about to open. Checked online and see it is a franchise with some locations in a variety of different cities, so they must know what they are doing and have some type of plan to open in a city like Phoenixville. I'll by checking it out to see what it is all about.
Anonymous said…
The crepe place IS closed.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone have a reliable source of information about the town center?
Specifically, what is opening when?
Anonymous said…
With all of the empty parking lots in town things seem to be slowing down fast. It looks like people don't want to pay $1 an hour to park in Phoenixville. Who gave Barry Cassidy his Job and how can he be removed. I think it's time for him to move on before he kills the town.
Anonymous said…
Some of the parking lots are empty, because the employees now have their own lots. However, I do agree with you that town seems to be slowing down. The other thing is that there seems to be a gang of teenagers that hand out at the Prospect Street Alley yelling and so forth. We had to cross the street on Saturday to get down to Bridge as they seemed uninclined to move. Isn't there a loitering law anymore? It just looks plain bad for the town. Maybe Barry Cassidy could address things like this.
Anonymous said…
good luck removing that guy. Hes here to stay. if they haven't gotten rid of him based on the poor quality of his work or by his generally just flat out mean nature, they never will. all he has to do is put up some blue lamp posts and get grant money to brick half the side walks and the borough lets him do and treat people how ever he wants. just look at the side walks in front of pj ryans! how do you run out of money and just stop?!? how is no one in the borough asking where the money went? my fiancee got a parking ticket out on main street she had only been there for an hour and the ticket said she was on gay st. so she went down to the parking authority to ask what was going on. she got different explanations for how the parking system works every employee told her something different. whether it per block or per day everyone in there had a different opinion. But then in comes Barry and squared up with her. he said "if you wanna fight it go head you'll lose and you'll have to pay all the court costs and from now on I am ticketing your car when ever i see it!" I dont understand how this guy
can talk to people like that. threatening someone who come in just to say that there care was not even on the same road as the ticket says is crazy! that being said if he can do all this and the borough is fine with it what chance does any of residents or business owners have of getting rid of him? its quite clear from everyone i have spoken with which is pretty much every business owner and resident down here they all completely dislike him as a person and the job hes doing and if he can keep his job against all of that then i assume hes here to stay.

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