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Phoenixville Fury Bike Race Going on Now!

From the better late than never file, there is a pretty big bike race going on in and around Phoenixville as I am writing this. The Phoenixville Fury, a collegiate bike race hosted by Drexel, Penn, Temple and Villanova, started at 8:30am this morning and will be finishing up at around 4 this afternoon. The Fury is a new leg of the Philadelphia Phlyer bike race which is being held tomorrow.

For more information, see the Phoenixville Fury/Philadelphia Flyer website.

Thanks to reader Dawn for the tip!


~dawn~ said…
Ahhh yes, reader Dawn. Who is bitter pissed right now because she lives smack dab in the middle of the starting and ending point of the race and the entire four block radius is completely shut down and it appears the borough NEVER ONCE considered notifying the residents about this. >:|
Anonymous said…
The above comment should give us all a good indication as to where the residents of this town stand in the eyes of local government.
~dawn~ said…
Oh, so it's not just me? :) I realized a little while ago that the borough was polite enough to notify me around Thanksgiving NOT to put my trash out before 6pm Thanksgiving Day to be respectful of my neighbors and their holiday celebrations.....but they can't tell me they're shutting down my block for a bike race. And really, now I'm even more pissed. There's a DirecTV truck blocking my driveway right now. They wouldn't let *me* on my block and I live here, but they let a utility truck on the street?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I am so happy I am not the only one who was a little irked at having no idea this was happening. I live on Mill Street by the Foundry and woke up to someone over a speaker and about 30 people in bicycle shorts in front of my house. I am not even going to get into the tents and tons of other people treking all over. This thing was rather large and it would have been nice to know about it a few days in advance seeing how close I live to all of the action.

I think I am just a little more peeved b/c I had family coming into town. When my Dad dropped my Mom off at my front door instead of making her walk in the pouring rain, they were instantly honked at by the P-ville Police. It wasn't that normal honk either, but that blow horn sounding thing. That was a great Welcome to Phoenixville. If I had known, I would have asked them to come next weekend.

P.S. I should add that I LOVE when Phoenixville has this stuff, but they NEED to inform the residents. Seriously, put a sign on a pole.
Anonymous said…
Signs were posted on poles all across town the day before - at least along Starr and Manavon Street - saying not to park on the streets. But the signs didn't say why you couldn't.
Anonymous said…
Well, there was nothing down by the Foundry and that seemed to be the starting point and staging area of the whole thing. The streets weren't closed, so I had no issues getting to and from my place. It just would have been nice to know something was going on. Phoenixville is usually pretty good when it comes to advertising large events, so I was surprised this got very little publicity beforehand. This was honestly the largest event I've seen since moving here a little over a year ago.
Anonymous said…
You all have to start reading the paper. It was in there for a few days beforehand. Do you want someone to knock on your door the day before and tell you what's going on? Stop your whining.
Anonymous said…
Yes why can't we get a community bulletin board a couple places in town to let citizens know of events. Can't the Barry Cassidy work on this? Its cheap, low maintenance and just might help build attendence at downtown P-ville events. Even posting the first Friday would be great. It doesn't always have to be hung over the roads. A simple lettered changable sign at entry points to the boro would work. Seeing that there is an event on my way home from work on a Friday night and I might actually go. Quite honestly, half the time there isn't enough news in the Phoenix to make it worth buying.
JW said…
seems like residents aren't the only one's caught off guard.

The Phoenix today.
Anonymous said…
There's a lot of justifiably ticked off residents & business owners in the borough over this bike race fiasco. I'd like to know, why didn't the person who notified the police to post 'no parking' signs not make a courtesy call to the Chamber of Commerce???? I see a lot of blame deflection here and not a single person is accepting responsibilty. People are saying "it was the previous Borough Manager who organized it." Well, he's not here anymore and why didn't the ACTING manager take the helm???? The race organization certainly wasn't running on it's own momentum since Anthony D. was dismissed in January, so who was organizing it??? Why isn't that person speaking up and apologizing???
Anonymous said…
I am in no way asking someone to knock on my door (although, in the past that has been done), but when something as big as this is going to take place right next to my house, it would have been nice to know. We had cars parked in that lot across from the Foundry. If a simple sign was put on the pole, we would have gladly not parked there, leaving room for more tents.

Also, and I may sound snotty, but I don't want my car parked in the middle of what can be equated to a carnival. I am in no whining. I am just wondering who let the ball drop on this. Obviously, I am not the only who feels that this should have been advertised.

Plus, think about how the town could have gotten involved. Instead of losing business, local shops restaurants could have done something special and benefitted from the race.

I do read the paper online, but not everyday. I must have missed the days these stories were posted. I would not have missed a sign.

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