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Merchants Warm to the Idea of Having Phoenixville Fury Return Next Year

They say time heals all wounds, and it appears this is the case with regards to the Phoenixville Fury bike race that was held last weekend and the anger it caused among local retailers. Due to a breakdown in communication between the Borough and said retailers, many were caught off guard by the race and felt they lost a tremendous amount of business as a result. However, at a meeting on Wednesday, these same retailers 'voted to endorse the race being staged again next year, with the caution that the borough and event organizers need to have better communication with the residents and merchants.' The feeling was that, with better planning and organization, the race could be a boon to local merchants, not only on the day of the race, but throughout the year as it would introduce them to visitors that otherwise would not have heard of them.

For more, see the article in today's Phoenix.


Anonymous said…
See, this is the kind of thing that has made Phoenixville a revitalization success story. They're not going to balk at a good idea just because of early problems in execution. In many other communities such a discussion, if it had been allowed to take place at all, would probably not have ended positively.
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