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'Green Line' Gets Funding for Study

The train line that is being proposed by Barry Cassidy now has a name. The Green Line, which Cassidy hopes will connect Phoenixville to the Main Line (and ideally the R5 Septa Line), is now undergoing feasibility studies to see if it is a project worth pursuing.

From today's Phoenix
The funding was raised through private sources, and the Main Street CDC secured enough funds for the study late last week. Cassidy said that the source of the funding is important, as it proved far quicker to raise the funds through private sources rather than apply for government funding.

"It's important to move the project along as quickly as possible so we don’t lose opportunities," Cassidy said. "By securing private funding...there is no need to apply for funding or answer to nearly every agency imaginable. I think what happens with these kinds of projects is many times there a lot of generals and not enough infantry."

He added that private funds may be used for a future feasibility study as well, pending the results of the market analysis. Government funds could be used at some point in the process for zoning, train stations, transportation related housing, and other uses, Cassidy said.

The market analysis will be conducted by consultants with Gannett Fleming, and the nine-week study is tentatively scheduled to kick off on Monday, February 4, with a final report to be presented in April.

CDC has named the project the Green Line, Cassidy explained, due to the project’s potential to control urban sprawl and provide an alternative to using automobiles, thus mitigating traffic congestion.

The Green Line would use existing tracks owned by Norfolk Southern Corporation spanning from Phoenixville to Devault. The passenger rail service could then use existing rights of way along Route 29 and Valley Stream Parkway to travel to Paoli.

According to preliminary plans, the Green Line would parallel several industrial centers including Great Valley Corporate Center and Vanguard. The rail service could also use areas such as the former Phoenix Steel site for transportation related housing and train stations

This plan is different than the original that would have seen the train line run past Great Valley High School and terminate in Frazier. Personally, I think the new plan is a much better option since it will connect us to the business centers in Great Valley as well as to the Paoli train station, making access to Center City that much easier.

Source: The Phoenix


Anonymous said…
Pretty awesome idea. It's nice that they are running a feasibility study first, really makes this project stands out by showing that there's a plan in place. I would ride this to work every day.
Anonymous said…
If the train went to Philly and/or Reading it would be great.

This may be a good way to alleviate some commuter traffic problems on Rt.29 but I don't work so what would I do when I get off in the middle of a corporate center?
JW said…
The goal, as I understand it at this point, is for the line to end at the Paoli train station and thus provide access into the city via the R5.
Anonymous said…
I think it's a great idea. I have family in Philly and we pick them up in Norristown now. It will be great when they can come all the way to Phoenixville.
Lori said…
That would be fantastic. I hope it pans out.
Anonymous said…
why a train? why not just run a bus? sure you'd have traffic to deal with but it would be millions of dollars cheaper and you could still take traffic off the roads.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 1/29/08 10:28 PM
"why a train? why not just run a bus?"

The engineers will be studying all options--rail, bus, BRT--hence the feasibility study. I recommend that you attend the Monday evening meeting at the Columbia (6:30pm) and voice your suggestions. Very valid.
Anonymous said…
Mike2131, maybe 29 to Malvern is quiet on a Sunday morning, but I've driven this route every day to work for 7 years and it can easily take 45 minutes to travel the 7 miles to Malvern...and going home is even more fun.
The Malvern corporate center area takes care of tens of thousands of employees daily, many who take the few arteries from the north (29/Charlestown/Whitehorse). Nobody can argue that those roads exceed capacity levels during the key business hours.
And don't forget that transit is a two way concept - connecting this center and the R5 with Phoenixville will bring jobs HERE. And that's what makes our town truly rise again.
RMorin said…
People who work at the corporate center could also ride into Phoenixville at lunch and after work to support restaraunts and other businesses.

Great idea! I hope it works out.
Anonymous said…
Is there any new information on this? A timeline of any sort? I think it is a fantastic idea and will create more business in Phoenixville and help to raise property values.

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