Results of yesterday's election are in and Democrats have claimed four of the five open Borough Council Seats. Unofficial results from Phoenixville Patch:
For complete coverage of yesterday election visit Phoenixville Patch.
North Ward
Republican Christopher Bauers 303 votes, 54.4 percent
Democrat Carol Stinson 254 votes, 45.6 percent
Middle Ward
Democrat Jennifer Mayo 280 votes, 62.5 percent
Republican Marc Reber 167 votes, 37.28 percent
Write-in 1 vote, 0.22 percent
East Ward
Democrat Michael Speck 251 votes, 53.86 percent
Republican Brady Appleman 215 votes, 46.14 percent
West Ward
Democrat James Kovaleski 215 votes, 53.22 percent
Republican Kendrick Buckwalter 188 votes, 46.53 percent
Middle Ward, 2-year Unexpired Term
Democrat Kyle Guie 259 votes, 59.95 percent
Republican Marc Reber 171 votes, 39.58 percent
Write-in 2 votes, 0.46 percent
For complete coverage of yesterday election visit Phoenixville Patch.