On Saturday, April 16th, Phoenixville YMCA will be hosting its second annual Comedy Night.
Don't miss the Phoenixville YMCAs
2nd Annual Comedy Night!
Join us on Saturday, April 16, 2011 for an evening of serious laughs featuring NY comedians Jeff Caldwell and Rodney Laney.
Event held at Franklin Commons - 400 Franklin Avenue, Phoenixville
Doors open at 6:30pm
Dinner at 7:00pm (includes food, beer & wine)
Comedians at 8:00pm & 8:45pm
Silent & Live Auctions & Raffles
Tickets:$30/in advance or $35/at the door
Purchase tickets at the Phoenixville YMCA or call 610.933.5861 or email pbradish@fvymca.org
For ages 6 weeks to 11 years at the Phoenixville YMCA from 6-10pm for those attending Comedy Night. Space is limited. Registration is required by April 11.
All proceeds benefit the Phoenixville Branch Y Cares Campaign to provide financial assistance to those in need. For more information about the Y Cares Campaign or to make a donation on-line click here!