On Saturday, December 13, the Schuylkill Canal Association will be hosting their annual the Holiday Luminaria from 6-9pm.
Celebrate the holidays with the Schuylkill Canal Association as we invite you to join us for the Holiday Luminaria, on Saturday, December 13th, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. This magnificent holiday light show will be held along the Schuylkill Canal up to Lock 60 and the Locktender’s House in Mont Clare, PA, just across the river from Phoenixville, PA.
See one of the most beautiful sights of the season as you observe well over a thousand luminary candles reflecting on the canal waterway.
Towpath Road will be lined with candles from the Mont Clare Bridge / Rt. 29, all the way to Lock 60 and surrounding the Locktender’s House. Beginning at dusk, the candles are lit for a spectacular display. If there is a mist or light snowfall the scene is even more beautiful.
The Locktender’s House; built in 1836, will be decorated beautifully for the holidays with natural greens and ribbons under soft light throughout the house. Meadowlark, a husband and wife duo playing their fiddle and mandolin, strum soft holiday music inside the house for all to enjoy. And our special guest, Santa Claus will arrive at 6:30 PM to visit children and to spread some holiday cheer.
All are welcome to visit and partake in the festivities of the evening.
Holiday treats and beverages will be shared with all as we toast our friends with best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season.
SCA will be offering pre-assembled, ready-to-go, luminary bags for a minimal donation for visitors to take home for their use along their sidewalks. The suggested donation is $1.00/bag or $5 for 6 bags. Each bag will contain all the necessary materials; bag, sand and a 10-hour votive candle, so all you will need to do is set up in an appropriate area and light. SCA volunteers will be stationed at the Locktender’s House ready to assist you with your order.
Come to enjoy the entire evening or just to see the beautiful candle light reflect along the canal and towpath. Ample parking is available at Lock 60, candles will light the way to the Locktender’s House and two handicapped spaces are available at the house.
No admission fee is charged however donations will be gladly accepted. Only a steady downpour of rain cancels the event. The site address is: Lock 60 on the Schuylkill Navigation or 400 Towpath Road, Mont Clare, PA 19453. For more information and directions, please call SCA at 610-917-0021, via email at info@schuylkillcanal.com, or visit the web at www.schuylkillcanal.org.